In 2019, the Sui Generis Association is organizing the sixth edition of the Pro Milone Moot Court Competition. You will find here all the informations about this event and you can directly proceed to your registration.
This 6th edition of the Pro Milone Competition will take place:
- Monday, May 27th, 2019, Salle Élie Sermet of the Palais des Sports, des Arts et du Travail de Narbonne, starting at 8:45 am for the qualifying phases.
- Friday, May 31st, 2019, at the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Narbonne, starting at 9:30 a.m. for the Finals.
After deliberations of the Jury, the awardees of this 6th edition of the Pro Milone Moot Court Competition are :
David Genevey and Audrey Heulers with the Award for the Best Memoir in Fundamental Freedoms Law.
Maguelone Dupouy-Bossu with the Award for the Best Memoir in International Public Law.
Noa Charles and Hannah Degremont with the Award for the Best Pleading in Fundamental Freedoms Law.
Anne-Laure Mourot, Damien Camarata and Tom Andujar with the Best Pleading Award in International Public Law.
Léna Leiria with the Special Jury Award.
David Genevey with the Pierre Gabriel Stefanaggi Award for the Best Pleader.